"After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away” - Sex and the City

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Your Daily Forecast

"You aren't entirely sure what's going on with your mate or your best friend, but you should be able to clear things up if you can let them know that you're confused. Don't let misunderstandings come between you!"

This little quote right here was taken from my daily horoscope on Yahoo!'s homepage. These little sayings make me wonder, how often are horoscopes not true? But more importantly, how eerily true are they sometimes? A horoscope is a forecast of someone's future based on the alignment of the stars and planets. Make sense? Not really to me. I don't understand how the stars can predict my love life or how much money I'm going to make this month. Astrology has always been a matter that confuses me. While I can distinguish the Little Dipper from the Big Dipper in the sky, that's about all I know from the star gods. So how do the alignment of the sun, moon, and some celestial bodies pinpoint exactly who I am? I'm a Gemini, as is my twin brother, and what's weird about this sign is that we're twins. The sign for Gemini is twins. Because Geminis are known to be versatile and two-faced. Let's just hope two-faced in my situation is talking about my other twin, and not another personality. They're considered leaders and stubborn people. Another weird fact is that my name Jordan, in Hebrew, means "ascending from the gods, a leader to all." Which parallels with my Gemini description of being a leader. Creepy, I know. While these may not always be true, horoscopes are an entertaining way to pass the time. It's the tarot card readers that I'm scared of. I don't want someone telling me my future and ruining it for me. No thank you. I'd rather just trust the stars' definition on my Yahoo! homepage.


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