"After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away” - Sex and the City

Monday, April 25, 2011

Chopped and Screwed.

Do you always feel like you're being overpriced, manipulated, or forced into buying something you don't want to? Well you're not alone. When you go in for an oil change, the corrupt guys at the car dealership proceed to tell you that your steering wheel fluid is out, your air condition filter is dirty, and you need new belts for your car. (What is a car belt anyways?) They try to sell you on each one, each costing $100. You spend almost $400 as you walk out the door. And all you came in for was a $29 oil change.Your purse feels light and you just leave feeling confused. 

It seems these days there is no such thing as an honest corporation. At your doctor's office, they even tell you that you need this and you need that. Obviously worried about your health, you'll probably buy it. But do you really need it? Do you know best or do corporations marketed to you know better? Are these corporations marketing products to you or actually bettering your health? Like we talk about in our Intro to Creativity class, advertising is corrupt. They're not always marketed to better the public, in fact most the time ethics is not even an issue.  In my opinion I believe that it is half and half of whom you should trust. That being said, second opinions should never be underestimated. I remember one doctor told a close friend that he had a bacteria infection and had nothing to worry about. While relieved he didn't have to pay much and walked out of the doctor's office without a worry, he was back within the month. This doctor had just happened to overlook this infection, which in fact was cancer. This leads to the question of ultimately who can we trust? And who knows best for us? 

While being only nineteen and having a lot to learn in my life, I am just dipping my feet into the pool of manipulation. So unfortunately I will go through a lot of trial and errors and probably end up screwed from time to time. Hopefully the old adage goes, age makes you wiser. Because in a society of corrupt, dishonest individuals, you truly can only trust yourself. But until I'm that age, I'm just going to believe what my mother always told me... Mother knows best. Not some doctor being paid to tell you what you like to hear. 

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