"After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away” - Sex and the City

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

He's Just Not That Into You... Because of You

"He should call me first." "Never be the first to text." "Play hard to get and he'll want you." These are lines that our friends tell us when first meeting someone of the opposite sex. It's like from the get go all we hear in our minds is "Play games, play games." But do games really help in forming a relationship? Does it really matter who texts first or who didn't?

I did a little experiment with one of my good friends and a guy she had just met. She met this guy one night at the bar and the next morning decided she really liked him. They had swapped phone numbers and planned to meet again. However when asking when she was going to talk to him she just blatantly replied, "He's texting me first. I'm the girl, I don't do that." Three days pass and... nothing. I insisted that she text him and she refused. She stated her reasons being that if a guy really wanted to talk to you, he would. Needless to say, they never ended up talking. Seeing him out a couple weeks later, he came up to me and asked why my friend was not into him. Little did he know, she actually did like him yet was too afraid to just be herself and text him. She let playing a game ruin the possibility of a relationship.

So this begs the questions, should we play games in relationships? In a society run by the ideals presented in the chick flick, He's Just Not That Into You, girls became even more afraid than ever to talk to a guy. Seeing Ginnifer Goodwin get denied over and over again by guys and Bradley Cooper cheating on his wife with a  young Scarlett Johanson made us wonder if there was any truth to any relationship. Do we have to play hard to get to... well, get what we want? Does playing games keep you from getting hurt? My answer to this is no. If you ask someone in a relationship how they got together, the majority will say that "It just happened." The reason it happened? Because both parties were interested... and showed it. Don't be afraid to look stupid by texting someone. The thing is if they don't text back, well move on. It wasn't meant to be. There's a lot of fish in the sea. Just man up and make the first move. I mean look at all the famous love stories. Romeo didn't find his love by waiting for Juliet to text him. Or send a messenger dove to him, whatever they did in those days. 

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