"After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away” - Sex and the City

Sunday, April 24, 2011


T.G.I.F. The phrase, "Thank God It's Friday," has been coined around the world as the ultimate way to celebrating the end of the week. Religious or not, everyone says "Thank God It's Friday." So why is Friday the best day of the week? Well obviously it's because it's the end of the work week and the weekend's the next day. There's no reason to wake up early, you don't have to go to the gym, pack a lunch for work the next day, or do any homework. In other words you have nothing to do. Thank God.

However in college, this term is slowly forming into T.G.I.T., "Thank God It's Thursday." Because these days, Thursday's the new Friday. Thursday, now the night to go out for college kids, is favored for the same reasons as Friday, even though most students have class the next day. But as my roommates say, "Oh, well!" In a sense the work weeks are becoming shorter and the real world is becoming less of a reality. But I'm sure me and every other college kid out there can agree this is not a problem. We have four years to enjoy ourselves, so why not enjoy every second of it? Even if it means starting our weekends a day early.

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