"After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away” - Sex and the City

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Blind As A Bat

Being blind from the time I could remember, I've never really remembered what it was like to wake up and be able to see the world. To wake up and not have to squint at the alarm clock and to not have to spend a good five minutes every morning trying to find where I put my glasses the night before. The funny thing is my family didn't even know I was blind until I was six. We were driving in Michigan and I asked my grandma why there were such big sticks in the snow. They were telephone poles.

Being legally blind is common these days and more kids than I thought have grandpa vision like me too! Being in college made me less insecure about my vision, because it seemed like everyone else around me couldn't see either. You'd be surprised how many people have the words "Restrictions to the Road: Needs Corrective Vision" on the back of their driver's license. Yes apparently I could be a danger to the road if I drove without glasses. To be honest, I can't even see the color of the stoplights when at the intersection if my contacts aren't in. I'm surprised they even let me get my license. 

A mere 10% of people in the United States are legally blind. Hey, I'm one of them! It kind of makes me feel special considering I'm pretty much normal otherwise. It's like one of those quirks everyone has about him or herself. Mine's that I can't see the person who's talking to me. But that's about the only good thing I can name about being blind. Try being in college and being blind. Having to somehow keep track of your contacts and pray to God your eyes don't get red when you're out at night. An eye doctor once told me to stay away from bars because the smoke in the air was causing eye redness. Obviously, this guy had never been to college. Or to a bar. That's why this year I decided to stop worrying about my eyes and find something that adjusted to my life. These wonderful things were daily contacts. And next up is LASIK. That's just if I don't go blind beforehand. 

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