"After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away” - Sex and the City

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sing It, Sista

This video, which was sent to me from my own mother as a joke, instantly made me want to create a blog about it. She thought it was funny because it was everything she taught me growing up to be. An independent woman who could support herself without another person, more specifically a man. And she believed that this child was a mirror image of me at 5 years old... God I hope I wasn't that stubborn. In any case though when people say that our children are our future, I couldn't agree with them more. What we teach our kids and what society teaches our kids molds them into who we are today. Just by watching this video, it's evident that her parents, especially her mother, have some sort of impact on her. But today in the 21st century, I'd say, "more power to ya sista." Almost two hundred years ago, women didn't have any rights so the fact that a 5 year old is professing her want for a job before a man is absolutely amazing. What's even greater about this video is how adamant she is about her future plans. It's not like she said it once, but is rather preaching it like Samantha Jones in "Sex and the City."

The funny part about this clip is the background story that is on the side of her YouTube profile. This little girl is actually yelling at her brother, who at about 18 years old, won't let her come with him on tour with his band. Obviously, a little worked up she lashes out about all men not letting her work. What is just a sibling rivalry has turned into quite the YouTube hit. And not to mention a true testament to children literally being the voices of our future. 5 year old boys should watch out, they're growing up with the strongest generation of women yet.

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