"After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away” - Sex and the City

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Since I was a kid, my dad has grilled me about money every opportunity he had. By ten I had already read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" (as did my brother, even though his was listened to by a tape recorder) and to be honest learned nothing. Absolutely nothing. Nonetheless my dad sends me articles about money on a weekly basis. This one he sent me back in January caught my eye.

From another blogger,"Character Traits and Behaviors That Make You Rich" by Laura Rowley, the author explains 6 traits that characterize a rich man. "Propensity to plan, math confidence, financial literacy, smoking, powerlessness, and conscientiousness." Blatantly I only understood about 2 of these terms, one of which was smoking. According to the study, "a typical non-smoker's net worth is roughly 50 percent higher than that of light smokers and about twice the level of that of heavy smokers." Obviously non smokers are more economically stable (that is if their other finances are constant), but 50 percent higher than that of a person who enjoys a cigarette or two on their lunch break!? Pretty surprising. Although the Health Associations issues warnings about smoking on a continuous basis, I'm pretty sure if you stuck this article in The New York Times, people would listen to it more and stop smoking. It's a sad but true fact, people's ears perk up more when you talk about money than their own health. Maybe the Natural Drug and Food Association should take a hint and enforce people's economic status as a side effect of being a smoker. If we can't get people to listen by threatening death, maybe if we threaten their bank account, they'll listen? It's safe to say our thought processes these days are going up in smoke.


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