"After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away” - Sex and the City

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Monogamy... Schmonogamy

If it is true that we evolved from the species of apes, then we must take on some of their characteristics. Right? Somewhat. In terms of attraction towards other sexes, we actually symbolize these mammals more than we think. According to recent studies, through countless Internet blogs and magazines like Cosmo, monogamy is actually unnatural for our species. Many married couples think that just because you lose the intimacy in a marriage, means it's over. Not necessarily, it's actually part of your nature to covet what someone else has. Think about it, if you are a person on a new diet, wouldn't you want that nice, juicy blue cheese bacon burger that your friend had instead of your field greens and vinaigrette? If you say no, you're lying. If you're a newly married person it's just natural for your eyes to wander, even as soon as your honeymoon.
Women accuse men all the time of being cheaters and players. However, interestingly enough, statistics show women are pretty similar to men from this standpoint. So ladies, we may be wrong at who we point our fingers toward. 45% of married women are likely to engage in some sort of affair throughout the courtship, while 55% of men are assumed to do the same. So why is it that we blame men for things we naturally do as well? It's the natural old question of the battle of the sexes. Are men better than women, or vice versa? While we may not have an answer to this question, we do have an answer to one. We may not be monogamous creatures by nature, but we can be by choice. If men really weren't meant to be monogamous, women would've given up ages ago. And shows like "Sex and the City" would have never existed.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2010/OPINION/07/27/ryan.promiscuity.normal/index.html?iref=allsearch/

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