"After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away” - Sex and the City

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Happy Nomad

Sixteen is the number of houses I've moved around to. Nine is the number of schools I've attended. Four is the number of states I've lived in. In more brief terms, it seemed like I drove a U-Haul more than my own car. Born in Illinois and raised throughout three other states, to this day I leave the "Hometown" portion on applications blank. My partner in crime is my twin. A fraternal twin. My younger half is a boy who lives in North Carolina and who I am a good twelve inches shorter than. We're not close by any sibling means, but there's always that twin connection that I can't even put into words. We're products of divorce and most people would think that was a bad thing. But without it, I wouldn't have my five year old half-sister, whose smile can brighten any day. Moving around a lot was rough. And coming from a divorced family, I always felt like I had to work harder to get what I wanted. In other words through all my experiences, I feel as though I've lived 40 years even though I have a few months till I even hit 20. While old at soul, I'm young at heart. Basically I'm your typical working college student, but with a little more complicated life map. Nonetheless I believe cookie dough is better eaten before cooked, "Up the Amazon Without a Paddle" is my favorite nail polish, and TiVo is the greatest invention of the century. The friends I have are like angels on my shoulders and the life I'm living seems like a fairy tale. To me, the groups of people I've met, the numerous front doors I've passed through, and the ultimate fight to make it work is what makes me who I am. Not what I fill in on my DMV form. I may have a different upbringing than most, but I wouldn't take it back for the world. Because without I wouldn't be me.